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Device Management

Adding a Device

Adding Devices is performed from the Mysa HQ Installer Portal or by downloading the Mysa HQ Zen Thermostat Installer Mobile App and requires to be physically onsite with access to the clients Wi-Fi network to complete the process. Adding a device to

Moving a Device

Once the thermostats are in their respective sites, click on the Groups tab, and select the Group name you want to move a device into. From here you’ll see them positioned under Ungrouped Devices and can start to assign the thermostat to the applicab

Deleting a Device

To delete/remove a Device, navigate to the applicable Group list and select the Device. Click on trash can icon to open the Deletion dialog box. Input the name of the Device and click Delete to complete.

Edit Device Settings

When at the Group level, clicking on the thermostat name instead of the gear icon will allow you to detach the device from the group [minus icon] and move it to the Ungrouped section, Delete the device [trashcan icon], or Edit the device settings [pe